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Proteins how much and why

What are proteins? Proteins are biomolecules shaped by different amino acids which put in different geometrical order can give different types of proteins for all their functions. What are proteins functions? Proteins are fundamental to the human body for all of their function but the main ones are: What are essential amino acids? Essential amino […]


Introduction to Macronutrients

Did you know that your training performance, brain sharpness and sexual life all revolve around 3 main pillars? If not, I guess you are in the right place, today you are going to learn about macronutrients! What are macronutrients? Macronutrients are all of those essential components of our diet that that provide our body with […]

Nutrition Resources

Carb cycling, what is it and how to manage it

What is carb cycling? Carb cycling is an approach we can use to optimize the way we manage our diet and improve our muscle growth or losing weight. It is used to cycle our intake of carbs and fats during our microcycle (that period between two same trainings in our training plan). To better understand […]