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Proteins how much and why

What are proteins? Proteins are biomolecules shaped by different amino acids which put in different geometrical order can give different types of proteins for all their functions. What are proteins functions? Proteins are fundamental to the human body for all of their function but the main ones are: What are essential amino acids? Essential amino […]


Chase the log: easy way to muscle gains

One of the main things that lead to hypertrophy is progression which, as explained in the post about progressive overload, can be either in volume, intensity, density or frequency. In order to improve in the gym you need to keep track of what you are doing by writing everything you do in the gym on […]


Progressive overload, how to never plateau

Per the legend, when Milo was an adolescent a neighbor of his had a newborn calf. Milo, already a strapping lad, saw the small calf, lifted it onto his shoulders, and walked around for a while. He then put the calf back down and went home. The next day Milo returned and did the same […]


1RM calculator

This calculator utilizes a combination of popular formulas including Brzycki, Epley, Lombardi, Mayhew et al. and Wathan, the calculator calculates the estimated 1RM by averaging the results from these formulas to make it as precise and as error-free as possible. SPOILER: it will not be 100% precise because your performance will depend on many factors […]

Progress Training

My current split

I recently had to change my training split for a few reasons, mainly time management due to my calendar being full but also the desire to try some new stimuli to hit my muscles.Another reason why I’m slightly changing my split is because I want to experiment and decided to shift a bit more towards […]


BMI Calculator

This BMI calculator provides a quick and free assessment of your Body Mass Index (BMI), a widely used metric for estimating body fat. Whether you’re an athlete, bodybuilder, or simply aiming for a healthier lifestyle, understanding what is your BMI might be useful for you. Body Mass Index is calculated using a simple formula, your […]


TDEE Calculator

A TDEE calculator is a very simple way to understand what your mantainance calorie intake should be, this in particular is supposed to be quite precise because it makes an average of the two most used formulas to obtain your basal consumption, the Harris-Benedict and Mifflin-St Jeor equations. Also learn how to split your macros […]


Bodybuilding guide for beginners

If you’re here, chances are you just started your fitness journey to improving your body and performance. Congratulations!Or maybe you were just asking yourself “how to start bodybuilding?”In this post I will try to give you some important guidelines to follow when starting out, so let’s dive in right away! What is bodybuilding? First of […]


Introduction to Macronutrients

Did you know that your training performance, brain sharpness and sexual life all revolve around 3 main pillars? If not, I guess you are in the right place, today you are going to learn about macronutrients! What are macronutrients? Macronutrients are all of those essential components of our diet that that provide our body with […]